In line with our aim to nurture healthy, confident individuals we provide regular opportunities for pupils to do physical activity during the school week. Our aim in the first place is to develop a positive attitude to physical exercise ensuring an opportunity for all children to become interested and take part. We strive to ensure that every pupil leaves school with an understanding of the benefits of exercise for physical and emotional well-being. We aim to develop pupils' ability to refine their skills within specific sports, and to persevere when aiming to reach the top when competing.
Through physical literacy curriculum plans, play time and outdoor learning, pupils are given the opportunity to exercise daily. At least an hour and a half is designated weekly for each class to undertake physical exercise as a whole class. These sessions include swimming lessons for every pupil in the school.
The school takes advantage of the opportunities that the Urdd and the cluster of local schools offer us to compete. Our tendency is to choose a sport that is of interest to pupils to compete in e.g. netball, football, hockey, rugby, swimming gala, cross country, athletics, gymnastics, cricket. When permitted, we take advantage of our partnership with Penrhyn-coch allowing pupils to compete as one team under the name 'Llwyncoch'. Our programme of extracurricular activities usually coincides with the competition we are training for. A programme of extracurricular activities is shared with parents at the beginning of each term.
Sports day is held annually in the Summer term jointly between the two schools.
The school takes advantage of residential trips offering pupils the opportunity to undertake adventureous activities.
Our Bronze Ambassadors receive training led by 'Ceredigion Actif' officers in order to organise a programme of activities to interest pupils during lunchtime throughout the year.