In accordance with the Welsh Government guidance on School categories according to Welsh-medium provision, from September 2022 Penrhyn-coch School will be:
Category 3: Welsh-medium school
- Welsh is the school’s main language of internal communication.
- Communication with parents and carers is in either English, Welsh or bilingually as needed. This is a school with a strong Welsh language ethos at its core, supporting and enabling learners’ Welsh language use in all social context in and outside of school.
- In a Welsh immersion setting all learners are taught fully in Welsh, with English being used on occasion to ensure understanding during early immersion.
- From aged 7 onwards at least 80% of learner’s school activities (both curricular and extra-curricular) will be in Welsh.
Non-welsh speaking parents express often that they worry about not being able to help their child with their learning if it is through the Welsh medium. There is no need to worry. If you or your child is having trouble understanding please approach the class teacher and they will be more than happy to assist.
On starting at the school non Welsh speaking parents are given a key words booklet to aid them, a digital copy of which can be found below. It might be a great opportunity to take up the language along side your child.